High States is plagued with High Winds and High Seas
Tues. April 1st.
What a stormy night. “The winds were a howling”. NOAA says the winds and seas will be high again all week so we won’t be going far. Many boats have been coming into Salt Pond Bay for a protective mooring only to be disappointed as there are no empty mooring balls. We remember how the system at Warderick Wells in the Bahamas was so well organized and easy. If you wanted a mooring you called in before 01000hrs and put your boat name on a list. By 0900hrs., boats at a mooring had to advise the office if they were planning to leave. As buoys became available you would be hailed; told it was available; do you want it; if so be in by a certain time or forfeit the buoy. With the weather conditions as we are seeing them right now, this system would work so well. Instead of people being disappointed they could sit out the storms where they are, instead of moving on and then not finding a spot. This is why we sit. Mind you we can only be in a particular bay on a mooring for a maximum of seven days.
Tues. April 1st.
What a stormy night. “The winds were a howling”. NOAA says the winds and seas will be high again all week so we won’t be going far. Many boats have been coming into Salt Pond Bay for a protective mooring only to be disappointed as there are no empty mooring balls. We remember how the system at Warderick Wells in the Bahamas was so well organized and easy. If you wanted a mooring you called in before 01000hrs and put your boat name on a list. By 0900hrs., boats at a mooring had to advise the office if they were planning to leave. As buoys became available you would be hailed; told it was available; do you want it; if so be in by a certain time or forfeit the buoy. With the weather conditions as we are seeing them right now, this system would work so well. Instead of people being disappointed they could sit out the storms where they are, instead of moving on and then not finding a spot. This is why we sit. Mind you we can only be in a particular bay on a mooring for a maximum of seven days.
Wed. Apr.2nd.
We’ve decided to go to Cruz Bay for the day. Kerry took us to shore at 0830hrs., so we could make the short hike to the road and wait for the bus. We understood the bus would arrive around 0910. As the buses run hourly we needed to make sure we didn’t miss it. Finally at 0935 it arrived. The trip to Cruz Bay was like being on a roller coaster with multiple hair pin turns. The last turn into the town was so sharp the bus had to wait and take turns with the on-coming traffic. The bus ride was 40 minutes long and cost us each $2.00 return. We really enjoyed Cruz Bay; it’s a little tourist town but we enjoyed finding a café with internet and managed to catch up on emails.
We’ve decided to go to Cruz Bay for the day. Kerry took us to shore at 0830hrs., so we could make the short hike to the road and wait for the bus. We understood the bus would arrive around 0910. As the buses run hourly we needed to make sure we didn’t miss it. Finally at 0935 it arrived. The trip to Cruz Bay was like being on a roller coaster with multiple hair pin turns. The last turn into the town was so sharp the bus had to wait and take turns with the on-coming traffic. The bus ride was 40 minutes long and cost us each $2.00 return. We really enjoyed Cruz Bay; it’s a little tourist town but we enjoyed finding a café with internet and managed to catch up on emails.
At one point I thought we would literally be blown off the cliff, the wind was so strong.
High States at Salt Pond Bay.
April 6th.
This past four days the weather has continue not be our friend so we have made another trip to Coral Bay for a change of scenery and also a trip to Cruz Bay where we got a ferry over to Red Hook, St. Thomas.
This past four days the weather has continue not be our friend so we have made another trip to Coral Bay for a change of scenery and also a trip to Cruz Bay where we got a ferry over to Red Hook, St. Thomas.
See what happens when you wait too long for the bus!!!!
When we were heading back to Salt Pond from our Coral Bay trip we waited over an hour for the bus. It was starting to get late so we decided we best start to walk and hopefully the bus would come along and pick us up. Randy stayed a good 100yards behind us so that he could flag down the bus. The bus never did arrive, but a woman graciously stopped and asked Randy if he would like a ride. Explaining our situation she let us all pile into the back of her pick up. The bus????well we guess it wasn’t running this afternoon.
For our trip over to Red Hook, St. Thomas the bus system was excellent.
For our trip over to Red Hook, St. Thomas the bus system was excellent.
We went to Cruz Bay with Kathy and Kerry as we needed to check out of the USVI. The Customs and Immigration office advised us they have a recipical agreement with the BVI’s where we do not need to check in and out between the two areas.. Of coarse this news is completely opposite what we have read in the Cruising Guide and what we were told by phone.
April 9th
0850hrs and we are leaving Salt Pond Bay for Sopers Hole, Tortola. Looks like not a totally bad day compared to what we have had. Seas continue to be 6 feet and the winds are 15-18 knots which is fine. It’s the swells that make it unpleasant. We’re traveling due east with the wind on our nose and the seas once again are crashing over the bow. Once around Ram Head things started to settle down.
By 094hrs. the seas have calmed to 3-4 feet, the winds are 15 knots and so we’ve put out the jib.. We’re running at 6.8 knots. We are to expect a current of up to 3 knots depending on the tidal flow going through The Narrows.
01055—We’re on a mooring in Sopers Hole, Tortola. The bay is really deep. We have 50 feet under us. Customs and Immigration was excellent—very straight forward. We had lunch at Pusser’s-for only $38.00. We had heard the BVI’s are expensive. We can get water for 15 cents a gallon which is what we paid in Culebra. The diesel is $5.00 a gallon and gas $4.00. There is only a laundry service available at $14.00 a load. The town is basically a board walk with a very large Pussers store and individual tourist type shops. The two grocery stores are quite expensive. Two tomatoes were $4.00.
Small bridge joining Tortola to Frenchman's Cay.
A beautiful sunset at Sopers Hole, Tortola, BVI
password check
Belated Happy, Happy Anniversary.
What a great place to dream of all the years of hard work together accumulating into this moment in time that is filled with magic, and sunsets that take your breath away. For 35 years, you have both worked together as a team moving in all the best directions with common goals, love, great communication, compassion, and the willingness to share the best of each of you. We feel so blessed to have had you in our lives for such a long time. When I tell people that we have been friends since Grade 8 and that the four of us have known each other since we were 16, they look at us with such envy and wonder. It really is something special. We have grown together and apart and together and apart and together over the years, but always we have felt a connection that only history and growing up together can create. We have shared tents and sports cars and sailboats. We have even shared so many dreams of what could be. Your relationship together has inspired so many of us and your courage to remain yourselves has been so refreshing in this crazy overdone culture. You have taught us to appreciate the simple things in life and to take the risks that count and create a healthier and happier life.
We love you both very much and our good thoughts and love are with you as you begin your 36th year together. May you continue to grow together and continue to go outside of yourselves to support each other.
I'm sorry this is late, but I had to recreate another google account as it refused to take my password.
Take care and safe sailing to St. Martin. Our good wishes and good energy and some of our dreams travel with you always,
Love and hugs, Kate and Brian
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