Saturday, March 21, 2009


Sorry for the delay in updating...
We've been getting in lots of "R & R "while Randy recuperates from hernia surgery which is a good thing. Mind you, the less we do the less we want to do..

Randy’s surgery went very well. We’re happy we made the decision to stay at Clarks Court Marina for the first 10 days after the surgery. The Surgeon says just rest and no lifting of anything over five pounds for the next six weeks. Plus, he wants to see Randy February 20th. so we will be here in Grenada for at least this period of time.
We thank our dear “French Connection” friends for including us in their gatherings with a very special THANK YOU to Marie France and Gilles for fetching us in their dinghy.

We continue to having serious problems with our dinghy leaking. Randy has patched it many times only to find another leak. I guess one a positive note, no one would want to steal it!!

So, what have we been doing? We enjoyed a delicious H’Ordeurve Night especially prepared by Marie France and Gilles.

The proprietors of Whisper Cove Restaurant, Evelyn and Jean Claude graciously let us use their restaurant premises.

Yvon and Carmelle

Manon & Yvon

Gilles and Gervais

Pictured here with Aishley, Charmella (on the right) kindly brought me this Callabash from her back yard. Both girls work at the Oasis Bar at Clarks Court Bay Marina.

We had another fun evening up at the Whisper Cove Restaurant to say good-bye to our dear friends Manon and Gervais. They have decided its time for them to start heading north. We all took h’ordeurves to the restaurant. Jean Claude & Evelyn with Randy and Yvon .

Suzanna with Marie France

Manon; We truly will miss this incredible lady who wears her heart on her sleeve.

Gervais and Jean Claude hamming it up.

Vincianne doesn’t need a partner to dance. Vincianne has been teaching us Yoga for the past six weeks.


It is not quite as easy to commute to St. Georges from our anchorage at Hog Island. We have to walk further and usually wait a little longer for a bus, however, all in all it’s worked out well.
We managed to get a nice visit in with Kathy & Kerry going to Grand Anse Beach for the local regatta.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to see the blog back on the air & to hear that Randy is recovering well. Dance Aweigh leaves for the Bahamas in about a week. We'll be there for about 3 months. Looking forward to it.
Margaret & Rich.