Extended Stay in Emerald Bay
Good news, our parcel from West Marine has arrived. The bad news is they double shipped. One box is totally crushed and a piece is missing off the chain-stop. We have been charged for both parcels. The good news is West Marine has given us fabulous service. We are returning the duplicate parcel and they are re-imbursing us all shipping fees. Our parcel with all the books and charts from Bluewater Charts has also arrived.
Rand in his new shortie courtesy of Sean.
We have decided I need to go to the local clinic as my ear is still really sore. Turns out I have an infection started from “swimmers ear”. I am on an anti-biotic and need to administer ear drops daily.
Sat. May 11th.
Around 1415hrs., Derek and Art were ready to leave for Antigua. Within four hours they were back at the Marina. The engine is still not working right plus the Auto-pilot is not working. We have decided not to leave Sunday. Art is wondering if he is going to have time to get Dereks boat south. It may come to Derek following us on “The thornless path”.
We are constantly trying to figure out our best options and the safest spots to stop our way south. Sounds like Sarah and Brooks (Fisher Isle) are interested in traveling with us. As Derek, Art and Brooks have been working all day on UNWIND’s engine we have decided to have everyone over for a spaghetti dinner.
This morning we met Louis. He and his wife Carol are on a catamaran. He’s needing help fixing his Wind Dex. Randy has offered to go up his mast, bring down the broken part, then install the new part. I went along to watch. Louis insisted on taking us to lunch. We kept saying No. While I was in doing the laundry Louis arrived and said “Lynn, you and Randy are to meet Carol and I in the restaurant at 1:30!!”. Well what could I say??
So off to lunch we go and of coarse had a fabulous time. Thank you Louis and Carol.
The last couple of days we have also had an incredible amount of no-seeums and mosquitoes. Sitting in the cockpit we get eaten alive! It is so hot and humid we constantly feel greasy. The bug screens are working really well, except they really cut down air flow. The last two nights Randy has gotten up in the night to close all the port lights because of the incredible hard rains. The port holes continue to leak.
Derek continues to have other problems with his boat, however, this evening it sounds like they should be able to leave tomorrow.
Randy and I have actually discussed leaving at the same time and head straight for Antigua, however, now it’s stormy again and I really don’t think I can cope with such a journey.
Tues. May 13th
Well, my resealing of the port lights is not working. The rain is coming in all of them. Most frustrating! We’ll try and fix today. Seas continue to look bad again this morning and the strong winds (35-40knots) are not letting up and look like they’re going to continue until Friday night. Derek and Art have decided not to leave.
Yesterday I worked on the dodger. I plan to continue today and if we don’t leave on Friday I may actually have it completed.
I took off the covers on the port lights and found majority of the screws all loose. I tightened them up and hope this will solve our leaks. It has absolutely poured again.
Monday May 21st.
Bad weather is brewing again so our plan of leaving on Sunday has been nixed. We probably will be here until next weekend. Today Randy cleaned the hull in his new wet suit. He commented it made a huge difference keeping him nice and warm.
Later in the day Derek came over to talk with Randy about his motor problems. They’ve decided to take another look.
Wed. May 23rd.
The storm is upon us bringing lots of huge swells into the marina. It’s feeling like Galliot Cut. It is impossible for boats to arrive or leave. One nice thing is its cooler.
Well, my resealing of the port lights is not working. The rain is coming in all of them. Most frustrating! We’ll try and fix today. Seas continue to look bad again this morning and the strong winds (35-40knots) are not letting up and look like they’re going to continue until Friday night. Derek and Art have decided not to leave.
Yesterday I worked on the dodger. I plan to continue today and if we don’t leave on Friday I may actually have it completed.
I took off the covers on the port lights and found majority of the screws all loose. I tightened them up and hope this will solve our leaks. It has absolutely poured again.
Monday May 21st.
Bad weather is brewing again so our plan of leaving on Sunday has been nixed. We probably will be here until next weekend. Today Randy cleaned the hull in his new wet suit. He commented it made a huge difference keeping him nice and warm.
Later in the day Derek came over to talk with Randy about his motor problems. They’ve decided to take another look.
Wed. May 23rd.
The storm is upon us bringing lots of huge swells into the marina. It’s feeling like Galliot Cut. It is impossible for boats to arrive or leave. One nice thing is its cooler.
Thurs. May 24th.
We’ve decided to take an excursion into Georgetown. We went to get Lawrence’s bus and it seems like we missed it. Turned out Lawrence had to go to court this morning,(driving without a license). We had Erica in the office phone Lawrence to confirm he’d be running the bus in the afternoon. So off we all went; Derek, Art, Neil (off KOALOA), Randy and myself. Lawrence made a stop for us at the NAPA store. What terrific service. The locals on board patiently waited.
We’ve decided to take an excursion into Georgetown. We went to get Lawrence’s bus and it seems like we missed it. Turned out Lawrence had to go to court this morning,(driving without a license). We had Erica in the office phone Lawrence to confirm he’d be running the bus in the afternoon. So off we all went; Derek, Art, Neil (off KOALOA), Randy and myself. Lawrence made a stop for us at the NAPA store. What terrific service. The locals on board patiently waited.
Now we know why the locals were so patient waiting for us to shop at NAPA. Lawrence actually drops them off individually at their homes. Talk about service.
It’s Art’s birthday today so after our shopping we all went and had lunch at “Peace and Plenty” Restaurant and then had a drink at the bar while we waited for the buses departure at 1600hrs.
Later that evening we all met in the marina lounge and surprised Art with a birthday cake. Randy and I could only find a” Sarah Lee” but everyone enjoyed it.
Neil, you are enjoying the cake aren't you??
We had a wonderful evening. We had Margaret & Rich (Dance Aweigh), Neil (Kanaloa),Derek and Art over for h’ordeurves. Dan & Dee (Pegasus) joined us a little later and we had a great time. Lots of story telling. Margaret and Rich have a son living in Seattle and one of Margaret’s sisters lives in Vancouver so we may be fortunate to see them again on the west coast. Neil has traveled these waters extensively and said he can not remember the weather being so consistently bad and unpredictable.
Sat. May 26th -Truly it is a small world!!! While waiting for the bus to Georgetown I look at this woman; it can't be---but it is---Shirley Jones...my dear friend from work...Who would of thought we would meet one another in the Exumas.
For those heading north the weather is good. Sure enough as we sit enjoying a cup of coffee on the deck at the Dock Master’s office Neil arrives and says he’s on his way. Ten minutes later Rich comes by saying they’re on their way too. We gave Neil a hand with his lines and watched him make his way out the cut. Then we went over to Dance Aweigh and gave them a hand with their lines. Margaret and Rich tried hailing us about an hour after they left but unfortunately the signal was poor. Neil heard the call and hailed us too. He came in loud and clear telling us he was having a
great sail running at 8.6knots. He’s flying along. We will miss our new found friends. This is part of the cruising experience.
Goodbye Rich and Margaret
Mon. May 28th. --HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEAN!!
Derek and Art are leaving this afternoon in order to get to Georgetown tonight and have Unwind hauled out tomorrow morning. Our weather window looks pretty good starting Saturday.
Thurs. May 31st.
We made one last trip to Georgetown and purchased line to make two sets of reef points on our main. Coming home I started not feeling well. Fri. June 1st.
I am starting to feel better however I have no energy. I continue to drink lots of water and rest.. Randy is running motor to top up the batteries.
Sat. June 2nd.
The fridge is still not cycling off properly. Randy checking the internet to trouble- shoot. This evening we went to Julie and Doug’s boat and had a really nice visit. We met there Captain, Terry. They have a beautiful power boat that even has a washer and dryer.
Sun. June 3rd.
Well, we have gone and paid our bill and say our good byes. We will miss Emerald Bay and its wonderful staff. We will leave early tomorrow. We are ready!!
Derek and Art are leaving this afternoon in order to get to Georgetown tonight and have Unwind hauled out tomorrow morning. Our weather window looks pretty good starting Saturday.
Thurs. May 31st.
We made one last trip to Georgetown and purchased line to make two sets of reef points on our main. Coming home I started not feeling well. Fri. June 1st.
I am starting to feel better however I have no energy. I continue to drink lots of water and rest.. Randy is running motor to top up the batteries.
Sat. June 2nd.
The fridge is still not cycling off properly. Randy checking the internet to trouble- shoot. This evening we went to Julie and Doug’s boat and had a really nice visit. We met there Captain, Terry. They have a beautiful power boat that even has a washer and dryer.
Sun. June 3rd.
Well, we have gone and paid our bill and say our good byes. We will miss Emerald Bay and its wonderful staff. We will leave early tomorrow. We are ready!!
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